hrp0092p1-82 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Positive Impact on Adherence Through Educational Activities of the Argentina´s Patient Support Program in Children with low Adherence to Treatment with Recombinant Growth Hormone (easypod applicator)

Assefi Aria Reza , Chareca Cinthia , Roca Fernanda , Rubstein Adrian , Ayala Luciana Celis , Von Schulz Hausmann Cristian

Background: One of the main concerns in patients with growth disorders is to achieve optimal adherence to growth hormone (GH) treatment. For this it is important to identify patients with low adherence to treatment and to evaluate actions to improve it.The Merck Patient Support Program (PSP) carried out educational actions aimed at patients with low adherence and their parents, to raise their awareness of the importance of good adherence...

hrp0097p1-288 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

The Growzen™ buddy smartphone application shows positive findings on adherence in Argentinian patients receiving growth hormone therapy for growth disorders

van Dommelen Paula , Arnaud Lilian , Assefi Aria , Lourdes Crespo Maria , Koledova Ekaterina

Background: Digital health solutions, such as the Growzen™ buddy smartphone application (app), can facilitate adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) treatment for patients with growth disorders. The app alerts patients when it’s time for an injection and allows patients and their caregivers to self-monitor growth, to build a routine and improve adherence. The app also contains educational resources to empower patients to be active in...

hrp0092p2-167 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Adherence and Long-Term Outcomes of Therapy in Pediatric Subjects in Argentina using Easypod™ Electromechanical Device for Growth Hormone Treatment: The Phase IV Multicentre Easypod™ Connect Observational Study (ECOS)

Chareca Cinthia D , Belgorosky Alicia , Chiarpenello Javier , Colombi Lia , Pasqualini Titania , Von Schulz Hausmann Cristian , Assefi Aria , miras mirta

The Easypod™ Connect Observational Study (ECOS) assessed real-time adherence in patients from 24 countries who were receiving recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH; Saizen®) via easypod™, which is an electronic injection device. Overall, ECOS showed mean adherence was maintained at ~80% for up to 3 years. Here, we assess the adherence to r-hGH administered via easypod™ in the Argentinian cohort of patients from ECOS (NCT01582334).<p class="ab...

hrp0095p1-522 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Positive impact of the TuiTek® patient support programme on caregivers of patients receiving treatment for growth hormone deficiency in Argentina

Sordelli Micaela , Debicki Matías , Gonzalez Judit , María Sosa Ana , Hernán Cejas Leopoldo , Ginaca Romina , Jheeta Amrit , Malik Sumaira , Koledova Ekaterina , Assefi Aria

Background: Good adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) is crucial to achieve optimal growth outcomes in children with GH deficiency (GHD). Controlling factors that negatively impact adherence is difficult in clinical practice. In order to obtain a better understanding of caregiver behaviour, an Argentinian patient support programme (PSP) implemented TuiTek®, a personalised programme comprising behavioural change training, call guides...